'No Till Food Plots for 2021. In this video we go over our no till food plot strategy for 2021 and what we plan to plant. Also, we unbox and assemble a NEW Tractor Supply Workhorse 25 gallon boomless atv sprayer and start the no till process for the year. Finally, I NEED YOUR HELP with some ideas for an often overlooked area of the farm that could be a great hunting location. Should I use a tree stand or a blind??? Other ways to follow: Instagram: @Joe_The_Farmer_TN Facebook: @JoeTheFarmerTN Web: www.JoeTheFarmer.com Mentioned: www.whitetailfoodplotsusa.com'
Tags: Tractor Supply , outdoors , family friendly , Farm life , Rural living , Side by Side , glyphosate , venison , Deer Hunting , catch clean cook , deer management , food plots for deer , Bow Hunting , whitetail hunting , whitetail deer , no till food plots for deer , Deer Nutrition , whitetail food plots usa , kawasaki mule , workhorse 25 gallon boomless sprayer , protein feeders for deer , boss buck , texas hunter , spring deer chores , joe the farmer , kawasaki mule trans 4010 , utv life , farm tool
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