'With anticipations high for the upcoming deer season, we mix up our food plots this year and decide to plant clover in the fall (late August). Detailing the strategies used and steps taken to prepare the ground for a successful clover plot. Since the clover wouldn’t be at its full potential by hunting season, we supplemented the plots with additional cover crops (oats and winter wheat) to provide a solid food source for the immediate season. I also highlight some of the ways I use Huntstand\'s app for planting food plots for deer. Use the link below to sign up an account on Huntstand: https://huntstand.com/dl/pro/?avad=302445_e2473e965 Thanks for watching this episode! If you enjoyed this video make sure to click the SUBSCRIBE button and check out some of our other videos. Follow us on our social media accounts for more Extreme Element Outdoors content: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/extremeelementoutdoors/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/extremeelementoutdoors/'
Tags: Deer Hunting , clover , food plots , whitetail , Bow Hunting , planting food plots for deer , clover food plot , qdm , public land , huntstand , Extreme Element , Extreme Element Outdoors , planting clover in the fall
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