'How to Plant Food Plots with Cover Crop'

'How to Plant Food Plots with Cover Crop'
11:47 May 11, 2024
'In this video I show you how I\'m implementing a no-till food plot strategy for my annual food plots.   This easy food plot system is based on the system used by Grant Woods over at Growing Deer.    I show you how to plant food plot without buying equipment, as everything besides my tractor used for this is either borrowed or rented for minimal cost.  By using rye as a cover crop, I was then able to roll that over and using a no-till drill plant soybeans into the rolled over rye.  This strategy includes planning a couple of annual plantings and eventually getting to the point of reduced fertilizer usage and herbicide application.  Follow along with me through the planting seasons as I use Dr. Grant Woods food plots system using the minimal equipment at my disposal.  Please leave a question in the comments if you have any questions about how I\'ve started my no-till food plot program in Mid-Michigan.' 

Tags: how to plant food plots , food plots for deer and turkey , growing deer , grant woods , food plots 2018 , grant woods food plots , how to plant food plot with cover crop , easy food plot system , how to plant food plots without buying equipment , how to plant no-till food plot , no-till food plot into cover crop , planting food plot into rye cover crop , planting food plot with cover crop , using rye as cover crop , using rye as food plot cover crop

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