'In this video we plant a ladino clover and alfalfa kill plot about an 1/8 acre in size. All we did to prep the soil was spray the weeds, and disc soil. We planted out clover with a cover crop of wheat, to help clover get established without to many weeds getting in the first year. Ladino white clover is supposed to be one of the best clovers to plant for deer and it is a really attractive perennial clover. Like, comment or subscribe for more food plot videos!'
Tags: clover , kill plot , clover food plot , poor mans food plot , planting a clover food plot , planting a kill plot , micro food plots , annual clovers , imperial whitetail clover , spraying clover food plots , best clovers to plant for deer , Ladino white clover , clover kill plot , micro clover plot , white clover vs red clover , best clovers to plant , maintaing clover food plots , frost seeding clover plots
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