'Health Update* Why I don\'t follow Dr. Sebi\'s food guide and what\'s next!'

'Health Update* Why I don\'t follow Dr. Sebi\'s food guide and what\'s next!'
18:06 Apr 29, 2024
'My book Lighter than a feather is now available on Amazon!! It’s the story of how I almost died from an autoimmune disease as well as I overcame depression and grew up. Please support ya girl!! I promise this story is so good and will be inspiring to all even if you’re not dealing with health issues. Available on Kindle and paperback!  https://www.amazon.com/dp/154868483X/ref=pd_rhf_gw_p_img_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=ZT094P3CHTWE3TBJE1GM    Instagram- GemofOshun Snapchat- GemofOshun TwItter-GemofOshun  my journey with polymyositis:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DlDdI0QD_A' 

Tags: inspiration , health update , high protein diet , inflamation , dr.sebi , GemofOshun , Polymyositis , myositis , dr.sebi nutrional guide , Dr.sebi food guide

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