'Diversifying a food plot in Iowa. Adding Corn to an existing clover plot. All seed was provided by Real World Wildlife Products. Merchandise: https://www.primaldivide.com Subscribe to Primal Divide here!!!! - bit.ly/2Y17aaX Discount Codes: Bedford Camera https://www.bedfords.com Use Code: JohnnyUtah for 5% off Full Range System https://fullrangesystems.com Use code: JohnnyUtah for 15% off Bucked Up Supplements - https://bckd.co/FQjLsUo use: JohnnyUtah20 for 20% off Bourbon Barrel Calls - https://bourbonbarrelgamecalls.com/discount/JohnnyUtah (10% off) Swisher Products - 1800-222-8183 (mention Johnny Utah and get 25% off) KASTKING - Use code JMATENDISC to save money! Silencer Central - https://alnk.to/ehWxKYK DeerAge- https://deerage.com/johnnyutah Clean Eatz- https://www.cleaneatzkitchen.com/?ref=aiQzqcW8L-Yl6Z Sheep Feet - JohnnyUtah for 10% off'
Tags: deer food , food plots , whitetail food plots , real world wildlife , under armour hunt , diy food plot , don higgins , corn vs clover , corn vs beans , johnny utah , arrow wild tv
See also: