'Best Way to Plant Food Plots without Equipment - Using Livestock to Plant Fall Food Plots (cont.)'

'Best Way to Plant Food Plots without Equipment - Using Livestock to Plant Fall Food Plots (cont.)'
14:50 Apr 12, 2024
'Last week we showed you how we used livestock to plant food plots without any herbicide, tillage or seed drill.  In this video you can see the results after one week with the 3 head of beef that mowed the grass and weeds and turned it into excellent fertilizer to feed the soil biota which feeds the new plants.  The new seed mix - the 2022 fall custom mix I designed with Green Cover Seeds was broadcast onto the field prior to grazing.  It is germinating nicely as is the clover that was in the seed bank.  Herbivores grazing the grasses and the cool wet weather has caused the clovers to start growing well.   Who is Stephen Chilcote? Certified Forester Wildlife Habitat Biologist Land & Farm Realtor  Who is my ideal client?    My ideal client is a guy who wants to buy land and transform it into an income producing property with great hunting potential or a guy who has land and wants to improve his timber INCOME and game holding capacity of his land.  Not only DIY guys but guys with the money to hire everything done   I want to be know as the guy who can help people buy land and transform that land into an exceptional hunting property.  Not just give advice but transform the property into an ideal  hunting tract fast.  Who I am trying to serve? Landowners and potential landowners  What am I serving them with? Information on how to buy land and improve wildlife habitat on the land.  Information on how to get the most out of your timber investment  FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO WWW.CHILCOTEFORESTER.COM' 

Tags: food plots for deer , chilcote forestry , how to plant food plots without , how to plant food plots without equipment , no till food plot prep , using livestock to prepare a food plot , how to naturally fertilize soil , how to get rid of grass in food plot , planting fall cover crops for deer

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