'{{{{{Next Video coming soon | My experiences with Yoni Eggs}}}}}} Hey you Guys! I wanted to share how I plan a shorter but efficient grocery shop trips. All while I eat a healthy Alkaline Diet. This video will feature my organized grocery list, grocery stores I shop at, Information on Dr. Sebi Alkaline Diet and grocery shopping on a budget. . . . {About Me} Hey.............my name is MicheleLauren.J and I created my Youtube to document my journey into becoming the best version of myself. My videos will consist of me trying new things that guide me to the best version myself while displaying my experiences and views on things that interest me and spark my creativity. . . . {My Channel\'s Video Content} - Health & Wealth - Spiritual Grow -Experiences -music Social Media Instagram | @michelelauren.j'
Tags: how to , healthy , lose weight , dr sebi , grocery haul , healthy grocery haul , dr. sebi , alkaline food , Electric Food , dr sebi approved , vegan grocery haul , dr.sebi , aldi grocery haul , budget grocery shopping , budget planning , alkaline grocery haul , grocery shop planning , grocery planning
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