'Hi friends, on today’s video we are discussing cottage food law and LLCs. I get quite a few questions regarding both of these subjects and today we will go over a few pros and cons for either of them. In today’s video I have my husband Andres Michel Jr as a guest to the channel being that he is the one that registered my business as an LLC. Helpful Links https://www.dshs.texas.gov/foodestablishments/cottagefood/faq.aspx https://texascottagefoodlaw.com https://www.efoodcard.com/tx THE TAX & LEGAL PLAYBOOK
Tags: cake recipes , cupcakes , cookies , cake decorating , Cookie Decorating , decorated cookies , home baker , pasteles , cottage food law , cake business , sweets business , HOME BAKERY , LLC for sweets business , filing LLC , cottage food law in Texas
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