'Obesity rates are soaring across the globe. We look into the spread of fast fats and fast food in Asia, Africa and South America, and which corporations are profiting. (Hint: It\'s not just McDonald\'s and KFC.) Presenter and Producer: Shreen Khan Producer: Omar Duwaji Senior Producer: Imaeyen Ibanga Executive Producer: Sarah Nasr Camera: Brian Joseph Editors: Brian Joseph & Michael Zipkin Subscribe for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3Nm3T-XAgVhKH9jT0ViRg?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ajplusenglish Download the AJ+ app at http://www.ajplus.net/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ajplus'
Tags: News , obesity , mcdonalds , AJ+ , al jazeera , kfc , new year new me , new years resolutions , how to eat better , what should i eat , what is healthy , ajplus , Fast Food and Diabetes , is sugar bad for you , Fast Food In Asia , is fast food bad for you , pepsi vs coke , why are people fat , why is the u.s. fat , obesity in africa , how should i eat , is pepsi losing money , what is a soda tax , exporting obesity , health risks of being overweight , what does the u.s. export , am i obese
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