'The journey of food in Bangalore | Vinay Nagaraju | TEDxCMRIT'

'The journey of food in Bangalore | Vinay Nagaraju | TEDxCMRIT'
15:34 Mar 14, 2024
'In this talk, the speaker shares the fascinating journey of food in Bangalore, the evolution of food through time and its impact on humanity. Vinay Nagaraju, is not just another IT guy turned entrepreneur. It was his passion for food and all things food that led him here. Being a marketing and strategy specialist he has successfully brewed up a storm in the culinary world when he started Wompindia (what\'s on my plate) in 2016. Vinay firmly believes in renewing his passions daily and finding his true calling in the world of food. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx' 

Tags: ENTERTAINMENT , Food , english , social media , TEDxTalks , Social Entrepreneurship

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