'DIY Beeswax Wrap Tutorial.'

'DIY Beeswax Wrap Tutorial.'
01:26 Feb 29, 2024
'Hi Clevermess Creators!  Welcome to our tutorial on how to make your very own beeswax wrap!   All the materials you\'ll need are inside your Clevermess Creators Activity box, along with the activity guide and storage and care instructions.   The beautiful fabric that you\'re using to make your beeswax wrap is a piece of an artwork that an incredible First Nations artist made just for us!  Jade, @wandyu_art, create this piece which we had custom printed onto your fabric.  You\'ll find the meaning behind the artwork in your activity kit along with a simple tea blend of Australia bush mint and lemon; To be brewed, to drink, play or both!  There are so many incredible opportunities for learning through this activity! By making your own reusable wrap, not only are you embedding sustainable practices into your everyday lives, but you\'re providing your child with the opportunity to develop a sense of agency, confidence and self-capability.  This activity is suitable for ages 2 years+ and although that may seem young, our littlest Creators are so capable!   We would LOVE to hear from you and see your creations!  Connect with us on Instagram: @Clevermesscreators & visit our website to see all of our other eco, educational activities that we have available! clevermesscreators.com' 
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