Jan 31, 2024
'Hi, everyone. It is me, Yvonne. Let us continue on our journey of eating Superfoods together. Avocado Consumption Journey Day #456! That\'s one year of eating one large avocado daily and how it changed certain metabolic functions in my body. Let\'s Eat An Avocado A Day. Sometimes the Avocado is not Ready to be eaten. Please join in for the Super food adventure. Healthy foods for a healthy body. Avocado Fast, Easy, Simple to Eat. Healthy body every day. Clean foods. How to eat avocado. Healthy food with healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, fiber, minerals and vitamins. Healthy food raw or cooked, as long as it is healthy. Food for memory function. A healthy brain. The news is healthy foods will help the body. Let\'s continue to eat healthy foods, avocado, everyday... Filmed date : December 15, 2022. Video(s) copyright protected.'See also: