15:22 Dec 30, 2023
'Welcome to Wellness Wednesday!  Feeding your skin from the inside out is SO important if you want to look and feel you best AND have healthy, beautiful glowing skin.  Nutrition is such a HUGE topic, and at time controversial, that I decided to start a series offering bite sized, quick tips on foods you can easily add into your eating plan to feed your skin from the inside out.  Regardless of whether you are Keto, or Vegan, or Paleo...adding a few antioxidant rich, vitamin rich, anti-inflammatory foods into your daily and weekly eating plan is guaranteed to have a positive impact on your health AND YOUR SKIN WILL GLOW!   EAT THE RAINBOW!  Your skin will thank you!  FAQ: Age: 60 Skin Type: Very Dry Treatments: Botox in 11\'s and marionette lines every 6 months.  (overdue!!)  One EASY way to incorporate many of these superfoods Into your diet is to start a green smoothie habit.  I am linking my video here.  If you are interested in learning more about green smoothies and their amazing health benefits I recommend the book \"The Green Smoothie Diet\" by Robyn Openshaw.    My Green Smoothie Video:   https://youtu.be/vELn_3znweI  Other books I LOVE for excellent nutritional information: Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Furhman In defense of Food by Michael Pollen Blue Zones by Dan Buettner The 150 Healthiest Foods on the Planet by Jonny Bowden  My beautiful friend Claudia has a WONDERFUL channel called Claudia Glows.  She has a wealth of knowledge on nutrition and does tons of videos on easy, nutritious foods.  I learn SO much from her. Check her out!   @Claudia Glows   I eat mostly organic.  It\'s important for your health and the environment.  It can be more expensive, so if you are new to organic and don\'t know where to start...prioritize the \"dirtiest\" foods first.   The Dirty Dozen and Clean fifteen are lists updated annually by the EWG.  Here are the 2020 lists  DIRTY DOZEN: (highest pesticide residue...go organic whenever possible) Strawberries Spinach Kale Nectarenes Apples Grapes Peaches Cherries Pears Tomatoes Celery Potatoes Hot Peppers  CLEAN FIFTEEN  (lowest pesticide residue) Avocado Sweet Corn Pineapple Onions Papaya Frozen Sweet Peas Eggplant Asparagus cauliflower Broccoli Mushrooms Cabbage Honey Dew Kiwi  One food to avoid or minimize is processed sugar.  Sugar binds with protein in your system and produces an end product called A.G.E:  Advanced Glycation End Product.  Not only is sugar detrimental to your health on so many levels, it literally AGES YOU.  These A.G.Es are collagen destroyers.  When they degrade our precious collagen our skin loses elasticity, plumpness, and becomes saggy and WRINKLY!  If you enjoy this type of content please let me know and I will be happy to produce more Wellness Wednesdays...not every week...but as much as I can fit in.    Contact Info:  [email protected]' 

Tags: berries , healthy diet , healthy fats , ORGANIC FOODS , anti inflammatory foods , anti aging diet , superfoods , ewg , green smoothies , anti aging foods , broccoli sprouts , dirty dozen , superfoods for skin , anti oxidant foods , phyto chemicals , clean fifteen

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