'Finally, it\'s here! The best Muslim friendly Korean foods you have to try when you come to Korea. This is a guide for when you are nowhere near a halal restaurant. The more I live here, the more food I get to try. Just yesterday I learned that octapus bulgogi exists! It is delicious! It is not featured in the video unfortunately. Check out my instagram stories if you are interested in my food and life updates. I will probably make another Korean food video in the future once I have tried more foods here. Until then, check out this instagram page. *Not run or affiliated with me at all* https://www.instagram.com/halalkoreamall/ They post updates about the foods here in Korea very often, so go follow them for more random details. I will be halal restaurant hopping and taking you guys with me in my vlogs. I also plan on doing a snack video in the future as well, so stay tuned ^w^ Helpful website with many more details about halal food in Korea: http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/e_book/access/ecatalog_sp.jsp?callmode=&catimage=&Dir=600&um=sp&cpage=5
Tags: funny , vlogger , mukbang , korea , Food Vlog , hijab , korean food , hijabi , Bibimbap , Muslim Friendly , Muslim food , Dina , Jeju food , bosanka , 이슬람교 , d2nasoaring , sujebi , halal in korea , muslim food in korea , what korean food can muslims eat , muslim friendly korea , muslim friendly food , doenjang chigae , d2na soaring , how to eat in korea , muslim guide to korea , halal guide for korea , Korean food to try , best korean food to try , best korean food mukbang , 디나 , 할랄 음식 , 이슬람 음식 , islamic korean food
See also: