Nov 13, 2023
'Visit http://RussianDwarfHamster.Org today for everything to do with Campbell\'s dwarf hamsters, Winter Whites and Russian Dwarf Hamsters. FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/RussianDwarfHamsterOrg/809055615789160 Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/1/b/109763065940524227698/+RussiandwarfhamsterOrg In this video we caught a quick glimpse of our Russian Dwarf Hamster named Pearl, storing up on her food. She obviously was having trouble fitting all that hamster food in her mouth. Russian dwarf hamster are great pets to have and once tamed, love being handled and are very cute. We adopted this dwarf hamster back in February and have loved for and cared for up to present. She enjoys storing lots of food in her pouches and creating hamster nests. For EVERYTHING you need to know about this type of dwarf hamster, visit our website or SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel.'
Tags: YouTube Editor
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