'⭐Today I am going to have 5 kg bombay chicken biryani with lots of chicken tandoori leg pieces with schezwan spicy noodles boiled eggs and coke ⭐️ I really appreciate my subscribers and viewers~ cheer me up, and I \'ll be glad if you watch every video on my channel . If you like this video please subscribe and leave your comments!! please let me know if you want to see a certain food through comments !! ⭐EMAIL⭐ theofficialbharat1@gmail.com #bharateatingshow #eatingchallenge #eatingshow #foodvideos #mukbang #bigbites #foodeatingvideos #indianeatingshow #foodeating #asmreating #biryanieatingchallenge #chickeneating #biryanieating #indianfoodmukbang'
Tags: food eating challenge , Rice eating , eating challenges , indian mukbang , schezwan noodles eating , Bombay chicken biryani eating , Chicken biryani eating MUKBANGi , Indian best chicken biryani eating
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