Oct 13, 2023
'This video features a sheep being tamed in cube world, showing the item needed and the taming process, as well as its ability to be ridden and some combat. Required item: Cotton Candy (Sold in some shops, the shop with the orange pot logo) Sheep location: Near the Cities, Greenland biomes From what I have observed pet food drops appear to be fairly random with almost anything dropping most food items, I have had the best results getting food to drop from flies, bats, insect guards, and dungeon mobs, for this reason I can\'t give you a list of exactly what drops specific items as even the wiki seems incomplete at this time. Cube World: https://picroma.com/ Cube World Wiki: www.cubeworldwiki.net/'
Tags: cotton candy , sheep , Cube World , pet sheep , taming sheep
See also: