Sep 5, 2023
'I apologize for not adding any animations that shows that I skipped some boring parts out. The part that was the most boring was us talking to people selling stuff in the city. In the city, I bought one pet food (a carrot) and some water flasks for the Health Potions. hydra173 and I have decided to make a new way to make these episodes so the videos are not too long. This is the reason why you don\'t see an intro and ending in this video. If you guys want to see what happens next, watch the next episode! If you would like to show some support, please leave a like, comment, and subscribe! Special Guest(s): hydra173 hydra173’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/hydra173/feed'
Tags: Series , Cube World Series , Cube World (Video Game)
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