'How to make sauerkraut with white radish|Muslim Chinese Food | BEST Chinese halal food recipes'

'How to make sauerkraut with white radish|Muslim Chinese Food | BEST Chinese halal food recipes'
05:15 Aug 12, 2023
'How to make sauerkraut with white radish?  白蘿蔔酸菜怎麼做? 蘿蔔在我國民間素有\"小人參\"之美稱,也有\"冬吃蘿蔔夏吃薑,不要醫生開藥方\"之說。雲南大山里的蘿蔔,更是綠色無公害的上好時蔬。但是,到了春天,蘿蔔生長周期到了,就會變糠,失去口感,無法再食用。別擔心,在雲南大山里,聰明的山里人,把蘿蔔醃製成酸菜,吃上半年都沒問題。  Radish in our country is known as \"little ginseng\", and it also says \"eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, don\'t ask a doctor to prescribe\". The radishes in Dashan, Yunnan are green and pollution-free top-quality vegetables. However, in spring, when the radish growth cycle is over, it will become bran, lose its taste, and can no longer be eaten. Don\'t worry, in the mountains of Yunnan, the smart mountain people pickled radishes into sauerkraut, and there was no problem eating them in the first half of the year.   如果朋友們喜歡我的視頻,別忘了訂閱我的頻道哦! ! 【老太阿蕊 Laotai Arui】 https://bit.ly/LaotaiArui 打開小鈴鐺,精彩美食不容錯過! #老太阿蕊#LaotaiArui#清真菜#' 

Tags: Islam , chinese food , chinese food recipes , halal food , Muslim food , 老太阿蕊 , Laotai Arui , Laotaiarui , 雲南美食 , 雲南 , 云南美食 , Chinese Muslim food , Chinese halal food , halaf food , chinese halal food recipes , Islam food , halal china , Muslim china , Islamic china , Muslim yummy cooking , Muslim yummy food , 清真菜 , White radish , 清真食品 , white radish recipe , 白萝卜酸菜 , 萝卜丝酸菜 , 腌萝卜

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