'How did I bond with my hamster so quickly? How to tame a hamster without getting bitten? I have shared some personal tips in this video. Before any taming process, please learn how to avoid biting when handling a hamster. You can use the back of your hand to approach the new hamsters once they start to eat treats from your hand. Practice makes perfect and your patience will pay off eventually. I hope you have a relaxing and joyful time here watching cute and funny moments of my little buddies (featuring Miss Miso, Mr Pineapple, Miss Paprika - Syrian Hamster, Miss Taro - Winter White Hamster). SUBSCRIBE to KumaQQ ❤️
Tags: hamster , cute hamster , funny hamster , ハムスター , hamster care , Syrian hamster , Dwarf hamster , 햄스터 , hamster tips , キンクマ , хомяк , 倉鼠 , cute and funny hamsters , cute and funny moments , cute hamsters doing funny things , how to tame hamster , how to stop hamster from biting , hamster taming process , how to tame hamsters that bite , how to pick up a hamster without getting bitten , how to hold a hamster without it biting you , bonding with a hamster , hamster climbing up arm , how to handle hamster
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