Jul 24, 2023
'The Vision Technology Forum is an interactive and educational experience which highlights food preparation techniques that will revolutionise the way you run your business. Our Euroquip team are back from Italy where they have been taking part in a gelato making and pastry course in order to provide the best industry knowledge to dealers and end users. The Forum will highlight how a multi-function blast chiller form Coldline can improve the management of any kitchen. The unit, which can blast chill, prove, store, freeze, thaw and more, is the ultimate machine to improve preservation and preparation of food without compromising quality. Also, highlighted is the Staff Ice Systems range of machines. One machine can do both hot and cold functions and produce outstanding gelato, ice creams and sorbets as well as custard crèmes, sauces and ratatouille. It can pasteurize as well as batch freeze, heat and mix. To have so many functions in a single machine is unusual and really needs to be seen to be believed! Quality is no exception when it comes to food and food service equipment. Register to the forum today! www.euroquip.com.au'
Tags: gelato , Food service equipment , food preparation refrigeration
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