'Cube World 19 - Crocotime Teaches Us about Pet Food'

15:48 Jun 18, 2023
'I am carrying entirely too much food.  Not even this beastly Orc you see before you can handle the weight of all this pet food. Time to tame some critters and cause some damage as we head into town.  Cube World is an action adventure RPG made by Wollay beginning in 2011. Currently in Alpha, with updates on the way - It combines elements of many different classic games  in an open world Voxel based environment. Pick a race and class, build your character and select a world Travel by foot, by boat, or by hang glider across several biomes -  Explore and fight your way to find loot and glory!  Tame pets to ride and help you fight,  and visit townsto trade, sell and craft weapons and armor. Select a multiplayer server to team with friends And bring your character to new places  Tweet @Armourtime  CubeWorld Wiki http://www.cubeworldwiki.net/index.php/Main_Page Buy CubeWorld https://picroma.com/buycubeworld  ' 

Tags: funny , crafting , fun , Series , potion , potions , buy , WORLD , episode , experience , boss , great , hard , effort , warrior , level , mob , bottles , town , mace , cube , grind , axe , xp , greataxe , single player , greatsword , Codex , Cubeworld , Cube World Series , codexmc , 2 handed , 1 handed , water flask , empty flask , tading , greatmace , single player warrior , cubeworld single player

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