'Hello friends. In the video I have talked about different affordable nutritional food items that you can easily include your diet without emptying your pockets. Like and share the video with all your friends and family. #Nutritional #FoodItems #DivineCare Download the Divine Care App from Play Store:- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.siddharth.divinecareapp To buy the Basic Acupressure Kit, please visit our website:- http://www.divinecareofficial.com/ OR Contact us through email on:- [email protected] To know more about the kit watch the video:-https://youtu.be/YeuLxEsUYkE To watch the Be Your Own Doctor series click on this video:-https://youtu.be/1XR2ldBf70I Please do subscribe, like and share Video Link:-https://youtu.be/ZSXwPOtUEbg Website link:-http://www.divinecareofficial.com/ Email ID:- [email protected] Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/divinecarereema/ About: On our channel you\'ll find health related tips to get rid from your day to day problems without any side effects. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, so when you are taking medications or you are under treatment, always consult your own doctor / therapist before applying any of my tips. Take full responsibility for your own health and well being. These videos are only intended for informational purpose & these videos should not be considered as a substitute for prescription suggested by health care professionals.Viewers are subjected to use these information on their own risk.This channel doesn’t take any responsibility for side effects etc.'
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