'Science says eating just one meal per day can improve your health. Learn more at https://highintensityhealth.com/OMAD ----- In this live chat, internal medicine doctor, John Limansky discusses the many ways to optimize your body\'s fat burning metabolism with diet and lifestyle. Check out a new eCourse Drs. John and Ken Berry put together: https://biohackmd.com/course/keto-101 This episode is brought to you by: ➢ Perfect Keto, the makers of high-quality exogenous ketones and MCT oil products. *Save over 20% OFF: https://www.perfectketo.com/HIH **We love their new Salted Carmel product ➢ Perfect Keto, the makers of high-quality exogenous ketones and MCT oil products. Links to Top Resources Discussed: Joovv Light: https://lddy.no/3pck Save w/ code: HIH Oura Ring: https://ouraring.com/ Save $50 w/ code HIH -----------------------------------------Lets Connect-------------------------------------- ➢ iTunes Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/237-in-ketosis-yet-slow-fat-loss-tips-to-course-correct/id910048041?i=1000418539288&mt=2 ➢ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/metabolic_mike ➢ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MikeMutzelMS -------------------------------------- VIDEO GEAR------------------------------------------------- Best Vlog & FB Live Stabilizer: https://amzn.to/2wcoJXZ Nice HD Camera Canon 6D Mark II https://amzn.to/2JyxrG5 Interview Cam C100 ii: https://amzn.to/2EC5NE8 Best Lens Ever: https://amzn.to/2IJ9WZC Vlog lens: Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS: https://amzn.to/2IGlfSo Dope Lens - Canon 85mm f/1.4L IS: https://amzn.to/2IFRG3h Good Audio: Rode VMPRPLUS Videomic Pro: https://amzn.to/2v9W9cm -------------------------------------- Key Timestamps---------------------------------- 04:35 Ornish protocols take away smoking and add exercise and meditation, but claim that it is the low fat diet that causes benefits. 06:02 Most doctors do not have the time to read the detail of studies to garner the truth. 07:43 Medical professionals still believe that saturated fat causes heart disease. 08:22 A small percentage of our population cannot tolerate high saturated fats. 09:09 Do the ketogenic diet then measure your lab values of NMR LipoProfile against baseline. 09:56 MCTs can be beneficial and are burned preferentially as energy and make ketones. 11:17 Dr. Limanski’s most valuable biomarkers to track: fasting glucose and fasting insulin. 12:36 Nutrition is about 70% of the answer to our health issues. 13:42 NMR LipoProfile is important because of the influence of cholesterol in overall health. Dr. Limansky looks at triglicerides, LDLp (particle size and number) to guide small changes in diet. 15:06 Exogenous ketones 17:24 Hypo or hyperthyroidism is systemic inflammation, driven by some sort of antibody. 19:02 Dr. Limansky finds that people with autoimmune thyroid do better on a keto diet. 19:51 Some people who are hardcore keto for an extended amount of time and restrict calories may stress their bodies with cortisol and thyroid production. 20:12 Micronutrient dense foods support hormones. 24:59 The carnivore diet is good for an elimination diet. It allows the gut and gut lining to heal. 26:43 You can be in ketosis and not lose weight or body fat 30:30 If you are keto and not losing weight, decrease your fat intake 32:29 Insulin resistance, affects fat to ketone bodies conversion 36:24 If keto didn’t work, tips to course-correct 36:53 Weight loss on keto should not be the main focus. 39:49 Hemoglobin A1C does not reflect pre-diabetes 40:49 50% of people who come to the hospital with heart attacks are skinny. They are thin on the outside and fat on the inside. 42:02 Fructose and high fructose corn syrup drive much of fatty liver disease. 44:33 If you have a metabolic disease like seizure, cancer, or insulin resistance, you should be hardcore keto. 48:42 When Dr. Limansky experimented with a carnivore diet, his glucose went up and he did not feel as well. 52:11 Doctors need to follow guidelines to prevent liability. 01:00:01 Biohacking and Keto 01:00:45 Sleep is the most important biohack. Poor sleep elevates cortisol, raises insulin and increases hunger for carbohydrates. 01:01:46 Eating late at night, even if it’s keto, suppresses melatonin production from your pancreas. 01:02:13 Exercise: A high intensity 30 minute session can mobilize glycogen stores. 01:03:19 Fasting allows gene expression to happen so you make enzymes to break down your fat source more efficiently. 01:03:58 Sauna, especially infrared, lowers cortisol 01:04:30 Cold thermogenesis (the cold bath) increases resilience, energy levels and sleep levels. 01:08:04 Light therapy: The Joovv light doubled Mike’s testosterone. 01:10:20 Turn off your cell phone and Wi-Fi at night. EMFs are a low signal, which is showing in research to stimulate your cells'
Tags: keto , ketosis , biohacking , ketogenic , nutritional ketosis , keto doctor , John Limansky
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