'In this episode of the JPS Podcast, Jacob interviews one of the highest regard physiotherapists in the barbell community, Quinn Hennoch. Topics discussed: - What makes for a good health care practitioner? - The influence of pain in resistance training; - Injuries and how to differentiate between acute and chronic injuries; - Training volume & injury; - The difference between tightness & stiffness; - Placebo & Nocebo & rehab modalities. ** I apologise for the bird\'s squawking - it was too nice a day to sit inside! To take your training and nutrition to the next level & reach your potential, contact [email protected] WEBSITE: http://www.jpshealthandfitness.com.au FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/JPSHealthandFitness INSTAGRAM: jpshealth_fitness'
Tags: bodybuilding , muscle , strong , strength , training , physical therapy , lifting , powerlifting , mobility , injury , Rehab , physiotherapy , barbell , Juggernaut , olympic lifting , quinn hennoch
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