'Sought-after fitness coach Robert Sikes helps clients lose unwanted body fat by helping them eat more calories through reverse dieting, a tactic to overcome a diet-created slowdown in metabolic rate. This new Electrolyte + Creatine Combo can help you crush your workouts and intermittent fasting sessions: https://bit.ly/electrolyte-stix Use code podcast at checkout to save Link Check out Robert\'s new Book: https://amzn.to/3yC9YPY Keto Bricks: https://www.ketobrick.com/collections/all-products-excluding-route -------------Sleep & Camera Tools You NEED!----------------------- Eat like your life depends it Tee Shirt!: https://bit.ly/3dEHM3e Best Sleep Mask: http://bit.ly/2AIVbDV Blue Blocking Glasses: http://bit.ly/blueblox Best Mouth Tape (Nexcare): https://amzn.to/31qJayh NeilMed Nasal Wash Kit https://amzn.to/3EUQaYE Breath Right Strips: https://amzn.to/31t5VSl A Metabolism Book Should Have:https://amzn.to/2jUiAh5 -----------------------------------------Show Notes-------------------------------------- 0:00 Intro 03:15 Competing while keto to preserved lean mass as effectively, if not more so. 05:30 Eating keto after competition helps you to avoid rebound weight. 09:00 Chronic under consumption is common. Your body’s metabolic rate will downregulate to follow suit. 10:05 A period of higher caloric rate gives you a higher metabolism when you transition to a deficit. 11:58 There needs to be balance between the building phase and the cutting phase to achieve growth. 13:20 For about 7 years, Robert has been on a strict ketogenic diet. 14:00 You can compete at an elite level without carbohydrates. 16:00 Testosterone: Higher dietary fat in a ketogenic diet helps to keep testosterone levels stable in the context of a deficit, which is muscle preserving. 19:00 Robert’s testosterone levels remain high during prep by being ketogenic, with high fat intake. 20:20 The harder you train in a caloric deficit and maintain progressive overload principles, sends a signal to your body that the muscle is still in high demand and to preserve it. 21:21 Cardio is a lever to pull. 24:15 Reverse dieting 25:20 It feels better to increase calories, for those who have been undereating. 27:00 Your body benefits from having sustainable times of caloric surplus and caloric deficit. 28:15 Robert trains fasted during all phases of training. 28:50 You won’t need a protein shake to maximize your anabolic state if you are taking in enough protein, calories, and nutrients over the course of 24 hours in your surplus. 30:40 Robert often goes OMAD, with one satiating meal, in the later phases of prep. 33:22 During the last of competition prep/cut phase, Robert incorporates ketogenic caloric refeeds. 35:30 Eating in a stressed state likely compromises your body’s ability to fully assimilate that nutrition. 39:30 Target muscles should be hit twice a week, for natural bodybuilders. Frequency, intensity, and volume are your levers to pull. 39:50 Robert uses an 8-day training split. 43:00 Ground beef and eggs are easily an easy food to track and manipulate for macros. 43:49 The Keto Brick is a good source of dietary fat in the form of steric acid. It is beneficial and tastes good. 45:35 A Nootropic Brick, a brain brick, will be launched soon. 46:00 Robert’s Desert Island Exercise: Deadlifts work a little bit of everything.'
Tags: burn fat , muscle , science , keto , carnivore , Research , muscle growth , building muscle , creatine , ketogenic , post workout , low carb foods , reverse dieting , reverse diet , Mike Mutzel , metabolic rate , Gabrielle Lyon , Carnivore bodybuilding , Dr Lyon , dr lyons protein , Robert Sikes
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