'Allergies, Antibiotics & The Immune System w/ Dr. Leo Galland'

'Allergies, Antibiotics & The Immune System w/ Dr. Leo Galland'
01:00:55 Apr 19, 2023
'Science says eating just one meal per day can improve your health.  Learn more at https://highintensityhealth.com/OMAD  -----  Episode #136: Leo Galland, MD – The Allergy Solution: learn the top ways to uncover hidden allergies and how to rebalance your immune system.  ➢ Dr. Galland\'s New book http://amzn.to/1VUDNSs  ➢ Listen to the Audio in iTunes: http://highintensityhealth.com/itunes  The big take-home from this interview and new book, The Allergy Solution, is that our environment has changed.  We talked about new research that shows how environmental toxins may actually be causing plants to produce more allergens.  Even more, environmental compounds may be causing your immune system to be increasingly susceptible to allergens.  So, it’s a vicious cycle.  Dr. Galland says the solution is not to suppress allergies with natural compounds, but to remove the triggers and also the prime protective T-regulatory cells.  T-regulatory cells help keep inflammation in check.  Hear about the top five ways you can give your T-regulatory cells and immune system a boost.   --------------------------------------Lets Connect----------------------------------  ● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikeMutzelMS  ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/metabolic_mike  --------------------------------------Key Takeaways----------------------------------  05:02 A New View of Allergies  At the beginning of the century, hardly anyone had allergies. In the US, at least 30% of people suffer from allergies. US government data indicates that over half of Americans will experience an allergic reaction during their lifetime.   12:50: Pollution Makes Pollen More Allergenic   Outdoor air pollution increases the allergenicity of the world in which we live.  The US department of agriculture planted ragweed in the inner city of Baltimore, in the suburbs and in the countryside 40 miles away. The inner city urban ragweed plants grew twice as big as the rural plants and produced five times the amount of pollen.   20:45: Antibiotic soaps and Food Allergies  When your skin touches Triclosan, the antibiotic soap, it is absorbed and travels throughout your body. Researchers measured the level of Triclosan in nasal secretions. Fifty percent of the people tested, had Triclosan in their nose. Triclosan is supposed to be antibacterial, but it changes the microbiome in the nose to increase the ability of dangerous staph bacteria to attach to human cells.  Researchers measured the level of Triclosan in nasal secretions. Fifty percent of the people tested, had Triclosan in their nose. Triclosan is supposed to be antibacterial, but it changes the microbiome in the nose to increase the ability of dangerous staph bacteria to attach to human cells. If you have Triclosan in your nose, you have a greater amount of staph in your nose. It is a major cause of sinus infection and staph releases and secretes proteins called super antigens. If you are making them in your nose, they are in the mucus and you are swallowing them. Super antigens screw up your immune system. They inactivate a group of white blood cells called regulatory T-cells or T-regs. T-regs keep your immune system from over-reacting. People with allergies have defective T-reg cells. Studies done in Europe show that people who have nasal polyps, associated with chronic nasal allergies, inflammation and sinus infections, have a very high rate of food allergy. Study participants were more allergic to food than to environmental allergens. Nasal polyps are associated with staph. A study measured the amount of Triclosan in children’s urine. There was a direct relationship between the level of Triclosan in the urine and the likely hood that the children would have allergies.   26:48 The Microbiome: A lack of diversity of microbes in your gut, in your respiratory tract, and in your nasal mucosa is highly associated with allergy.  The micobiome or fungal part of the microbiome is now being explored. As our microbial diversity is shrinking, the fungal organisms are taking over. The microbes living in our bodies have a profound affect upon your immune system. Two thirds of your immune system is located in your gut. The gut is the training center for your immune system. The lymphocytes in your gut circulate throughout your body and communicate information, returning to the gut. The gut is where the immune system gets most of its information. Antibacterials, antibiotics, herbicides and pesticides kill bacteria. Glyphosate (in Roundup) is in Roundup Ready GMO foods, because the plants have been designed to resist its effects. Glyphosate is an antibiotic.  When chickens eat food containing glyphosate, their gut bacteria is screwed up and it encourages the growth of harmful bacteria.' 

Tags: functional medicine , autoimmune , leaky gut , allergies , Mike Mutzel , Leo Galland

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