Apr 3, 2023
'Science says eating just one meal per day can improve your health. Learn more at https://highintensityhealth.com/OMAD ----- Charles R. Poliquin, the Strength Sensei, shares key insights from his four decades of experience training elite athletes and Olympians. Access his advanced coaching program https://members.strengthsensei.com/highintensity Arm Size and Strength: The Ultimate Guide: http://amzn.to/2kOzo78 Charles was featured in Tools of Titans, http://amzn.to/2jYs8kW Connect with Charles: http://www.strengthsensei.com/ Listen in iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/176-charles-poliquin-build/id910048041?i=1000380895661&mt=2 -----------------------------------------Lets Connect-------------------------------------- ➢ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MikeMutzelMS ➢ Listen to the Audio in iTunes: http://highintensityhealth.com/itunes ➢ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/metabolic_mike --------------------------------------Key Takeaways---------------------------------- 02:19 To win the war on fat, you need to win the insulin war. 03:43 Athletes’ Alzheimer’s propensity 04:19 Profound benefits of strength training 05:39 You don’t need carbs. 06:41 Risk/benefit of peptides like SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) 08:12 The beneficial hormonal influence of doing squats 09:30 DHEA Sulfate, the mother of all androgens 11:50 DHEA for women 12:37 The best anabolic agent is sleep. 15:03 Screen time affects androgens, sleep, weight gain, fitness, and information retention. 19:50 Carbohydrates are not for everyone. 24:20 Managing stress hormones with carbohydrates 24:40 Meat, wild and domestic, sources of protein 27:06 Meal timing and frequency 29:13 Athletic performance with intermittent fasting and protein/fat consumption 33:39 Regular blood work is a lie detector. 37:18 Leucine and branch chain amino acids for hypertrophy 40:08 Fish oil for weight loss 42:26 GLA (Gamma-linolenic acid), the healthy Omega 6 43:05 Periodization for burning fat and building muscle 49:23 Mindset and quality over quantity 57:55 Charles’ morning routine 01:02:04 Charles’ favorite nutrients/foods are brain-ready carnitine, curcumin and water buffalo. 01:03:54 Charles’ elevator pitch would be to ban soda and look to the Finns for education reform.'
Tags: fat loss , charles poliquin , German training volume , Carbohydrates and exercise
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